An Anxious Aspie's Interpretation & Decoration of Poetical Ideas, Messages, Information and Resources.

New year express

When the train rolls
through the starry prairie of the night
the headlights reap
the bright fireworks of new year’s eve
the rumbling sound
making vainglorious announcements
alarming the golden fireflies
that shuttle between compartments
the ancient track writes loneliness
perhaps only fireflies
know this kind of quiet
as you listen closer
the whales are swimming in the blue back of beyond
singing happily
the elk tread on broken granite
the breeze blows through the flowering mounds
fuchsia on the horizon
full of boggy confusion
you and i
on this avowedly aimless train
watching the jaded sun fade
into magnificent winterscape
leaving behind the rugged mountains
and whispers of the mysterious twilight
looking at the cold frigid screen of my phone
no clue where
the road ahead will lead to
one thing is clear
your eyes reflect a universe
the light of your former tears
deadens when you walk away from the station
is it the thunder
or the trembling of my heart
the train feels like a dart of a bullet
fired by heartache
at the end of the line
when passengers walk out the door
time ceases, in a flash
people who have entered
the other side of the dimension
would you still hark back
gentle things of the past.

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