An Anxious Aspie's Interpretation & Decoration of Poetical Ideas, Messages, Information and Resources.

Archive for May 24, 2014

When she looks at me

It’s a thread of spring breeze,

falling on my lake,

the crescent moon at the bottom,


the lake,

overflowing with light,

the whole world,

is springtime,

it’s a strand of sunlight,


the coast of,

my heart,

warmth surging,

fish swimming,


it’s a streak of lightning,

a momentary dizziness,

setting fire to,

the plains of,

my thoughts,

its the softest,

softest pool,

and pure,

like the deep blue sky,

once caved in,

it’s forever.





Summertime of May

It’s May,
what a fragrant season,
a love nest that accomodates many many dreams,
the pond of lovesickness,
in the city of May,
vacant feathers shining bright,
in the eyes,
everything beautiful,
implanted into the scenery,
sitting in a painting,
with a beautiful mind,
sweet as honey ,
beautiful watered branches of May,
circular dream stretching its tantacles,
for the love of all things,
the summer explores,
golden fireflies traveling,
white butterflies flying,
out of the dream,
an enchanted moment in the cocoon,
a burst of heavy rain from heaven,
like rolling stones,
tied with good news,
birds sleeping soundly in the grass,
they start flapping their wings,
to shake off dewdrops on thier feathers,
they want to fly,
on the branches of May,

the breeding of ,

many beautiful fantasies,

the sound of bird,

crashes the sky,

creeps into dreams,

hanging the most beautiful fantasy,

onto the branches of May,

all souls,


and desires,

like the seeds lost,

from the mouths of birds,


and sprouting,

in May.

The Milky Way

Beneath the stars,

a wandering bottle,


melancholy between the eyebrows,

like blue waters,

deep blue seabed,

studded with,

a row of amnesia,

beneath the stars,


like endless thoughts.